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A. 報名時,每位旅客必須交付團費的50% 或 $50 (取其較高款額者) 作為訂金,餘款必須於團隊出發前14天繳清。未能繳清團費者,本公司有權取消其訂位,而所繳付之訂金恕不退還。在旅行途中,旅客如因任何問題而不能完成旅程、或隨團活動住宿者,所繳交之費用恕不退還。

B. 旅客繳交訂金或旅費後,如因個人原因需要改期或取消行程者, (規定不能退改者除外,如:機票,船票,游轮,自由行套餐等) 可於團隊出發前8天憑單據到本公司辦理退改手續:





團隊出發前7天內:所繳交費用恕不退還。 (參加巴士團者,可以更改參加者姓名。)

C. 特價推廣團


D. 特價包團


費用包括:1.    豪華遊覽車或行程表內指定之其他交通工具。

2.    根據行程表內指定之酒店 (或同等級之酒店)。

3.    由經驗豐富的華人領隊隨團服務,並帶領作遊覽觀光。


1.    行程中除特別指定外的膳食。

2.    司機、導遊及各項小費。

3.    行程中除指定外的各類入場參觀門票、船票及過橋費用。

4.    各種醫療保險、個人平安保險及行李保險。

5.    一切純屬個人性質之費用,例如電話費、洗衣費、收費電視等。

6.    因天氣、交通延誤、罷工、交通工具故障、私人問題及本公司不能控制的情況下所引致的額外費用。

7.    離團後的一切費用。



注意事項:1.    客人必須自行負責一切旅遊時所需的證件。如需要美國簽證者,請於出發前自行前往申請,本公司恕不代辦。

2.    旅客必須遵守各國法紀,嚴禁攜帶私貨營利及違禁物品。各國有不同之入境條例,旅客如因任何原因而被拒入境、拘留,概與本公司無涉;所繳交費用恕不退還。而由此引起之額外費用,皆由其本人負責。

3.    酒店所提供的雙人房可有一雙人床,或兩單人床、或兩雙人床。而三人或四人共用一房時將不另作加床安排。

4.    團友若逾時到達集合地點而不能隨團出發,將作自動放棄論,所交費用概不獲退還。

5.    本章程內所列之費用乃根據當時之酒店、旅遊車、外幣兌換率等而訂;遇特殊情況,如燃油或旅遊車的大幅漲價、或在本公司無法預計的情況下,本公司保留在出發前調整費用之權利。

6.    團友如在旅途中因私人理由而需離團,本公司樂意代為安排。惟本公司將不負責一切由於交通上的延誤而導致未能趕上預先安排的行程或住宿而做成經濟上的損失。

7.    所有酒店根據行程安排。但本公司有權視當時情況作出更改,給予同等級之酒店,旅客不得籍詞反對。

8.    鑒於可能的變化或參加人數不足,本公司有權在啟程前或後取消任何一項旅遊項目。在此情況下,旅客所繳交的有關費用將悉數退回;但本公司將不負責其他賠償之責任。


  1. 為因應各地的政治情況、交通時間及其他本公司不可抗拒的可能變動,本公司保留行程的更動權。如在旅途中而必須將行程及住宿更改或取消時,旅客 不得藉詞反對。而所引起之損失將由旅客自負。
  2. 旅客如在旅途中有妨害整個團體的正常活動及利益時,本公司領隊得視乎情況,有權取消其繼續行程。而其所繳交之費用恕不獲退還,而其離團後的一切行動亦與本公司無涉。
  3. 旅客在途中因個人原因而不隨團觀光或住宿,將視為自動放棄論,所繳交費用恕不退還。
  4. 有關旅行中之安全問題,各航空公司及其他運輸公司自有其特別條例,直接對旅客及行李負責。如遇有交通延誤、機件故障、行李損壞及遺失等意外,當根據該交通公司所訂條例作為解決根據,與本公司無涉。
  5. 每團出發人數以25人以上為標準,如遇參加人數不足,本公司有權作適當安排或取消,旅客所繳交的有關費用將悉數退回。但本公司將不負責其他賠償之責任。在此情況下旅客不得借故提出異議。
  6. 如遇航機取消或延誤而耽誤行程,本公司概不負任何責任。
  7. 顧客訂購機票,價格均依照航空公司當日之定價為標準,日後價格如有變更,本公司不會另行通告,旅客不得借故提出異議。
  8. 旅客一經交付訂金,意即接受及同意本章程。



Terms & Conditions accepted and agreed by Tour Member.

  1. Tours Company. Covenants to include the tour fare: -
    a) Accommodation (if applicable), is based on half twin sharing for adults.  For person traveling alone who desires to sharing for every effort will be made to assign such accommodation.  However, if this is not possible, the Tour Member will have to pay for a single room.
    b)  Tour Guide and Transportation as required in the itinerary.
  2. The following are excluded from the tour fare: -
    a)  Cigarettes, wine, mineral water, and laundry or other items of a purely personal nature and/or items not specified in the itinerary as optional.
  3. b)  All meals, sightseeing and other items not specified in the itinerary as optional.  c)  Passports and visa fees.
    d)  Excess baggage.     e)  Airport taxes.   f)  Optional tours.
  4. No refund or reduction will be made to any Tour Member in respect of accommodations, meals, sightseeing tours or any other services which are includes in the tour fares but not utilized by the Tour Member of any reason whatsoever.
  5. Deposit equal to 50% of tour fare per person (or CAD 50.00 per person whichever is higher) must be paid upon reservation and the balance must paid up within 21 days prior to the date of departure.
  6. Cancellation fees per person shall be imposed as follows: -
    a) Over 45 days (from date of departure): fully refund of tour fare or deposit paid.
    b)  31-44 days (from date of departure): 25% (or CAD 50.00 per person whichever is higher) of tour fare.
    c)  15-30 days (from date of departure): 50% (or CAD 100.00 per person whichever is higher) of tour fare.
    d)  8-14 days (from date of departure): 75% (or CAD 200.00 per person whichever is higher) of tour fare.
    e)  Within 7 days (from date of departure): no refund of tour fare or deposit paid
  7. Special promotion or discounted tour:
    a) Tour fare should be paid in full at the time of registration.  b)  Non-refundable, non-routable, after registration.
  8. The company and-or its associated agents act only as agents for the transportation companies, hotel contractors and other principals,  and tickets vouchers and documents are issued subjects to those terms and contracts under which these services are provided.
  9. Every person participation in any tour or holiday organized by the Company and/or its associated agents shall be regarded in every respect as carrying his/her own risk.  The Company and/or is associated agents shall not hold responsible to any person as a result of the following: -
    a) Inaccuracy, mis-description or changes in any tour itinerary.
    b)  Additional expenses due to delays or changes in air or any transport services, sickness, weather, war, quarantine or other causes.
    c)  Extension of stay-flight arrangements that cannot be confirmed.
    d)  The Company assumes no liability for any damages or loss of baggage, personal effects or accidents.  It is a responsibility to the passenger to effect insurance.  If luggage is lost or damaged through neglect on the part of the Company or its servants or agents, maximum liability per baggage will be CAD100.00.
    e)  i)  Deportation or refusal of entry of Tour Member by immigration Authorities resulting from possession of unlawful items or holding improper travel documents or other causes or whose behavior and activities are considered as subversive by the foreign government concerned.
    ii) Due to insufficient passport validity of at least 6 months from the date of departure of the countries visited.
  10. The Company and/or its associated agents reserves the right to alter or modify with or without prior notice the itineraries, travel arrangements and hotel accommodation in any way necessary, or withdraw the services of an accompanying Tour Manager, due to circumstances over which the operations have to control.
  11. Tours will be operated on a seat-in-coach basis, when and where circumstances deemed necessary.
  12. The Company also reserves the right to cancel or withdraw at any time, booking made by or on behalf of Tour Member prior to departure for any reason whatsoever, including insufficient number of passengers in which no liabilities whatsoever shall be borne by the Company in respect of such cancellations or withdrawal.  The decision of the Company shall be final and conclusive.  Money paid by such Tour Members towards booking fees shall be refunded to them.
  13. Should there be difficult and uncooperative Tour Members during the tour, whose act and conduct deems to be unreasonable and detrimental to the enjoyment, interests, well-being and safety of the other Tour Members and the smooth running of the tour in general, the Tour Member concerned possesses full discretion to deal with such persons a he/she deems fit, including requiring him/her to leave the tour.  The decision of the Tour Manager in this respect is final and conclusive and the Company shall not make refund for any uncompleted part of the tour.
  14. Programmes, tour prices, services and conditions are based on the situation applicable at time of the publication of the Company's brochure and are subject to change with or without prior notice.
  15. The information in the Company's brochure is correct to the best of the Company's knowledge at the time of going to print, but the Company cannot guarantee that any item or amenity mentioned will always be available especially where the Company has no direct control over it.
  16. Notwithstanding the place or country in which a cause of action arises, it is expressly agrees here to that all causes of action/s shall at all times to commence within the Jurisdiction and territory of your destination.